Are Carrots Keto Friendly?

Answer: Carrots are keto-friendly in moderation.

Keto Meter: 3

A 1 cup serving of carrots contains 8.7 g of net carbs, so you can usually fit a full or half serving into your daily limit. They are, nevertheless, high in starch, so keep a careful eye on the amount you consume.

The antioxidant properties of carrots improve your immune system and reduce the risk of some cancers. One of the best-known nutritional benefits of carrots is their abundance of vitamin A, which can improve eyesight. However, most people in developed countries get enough vitamin A in their normal diets, so the effects of carrots on eyesight are negligible.

Raw carrots make great vehicles for keto dips like ranch and french onion. Carrots can also serve as a keto-friendly substitute for potatoes. Craving a baked potato? Roast some carrots in the oven. Missing that side of mashed potatoes? Boil carrots on the stovetop and then mash them up. You can even add carrots to a hearty crockpot stew.

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Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 cup chopped

Net carbs8.7 g
Fat0.3 g
Protein1.2 g
Total carbs12.3 g
Fiber3.6 g

Source: USDA

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