Are Daikon Radishes Keto Friendly?

Answer: Daikon radishes are one of the most keto-friendly vegetables you can find. At a mere 2.7 g of net carbs per serving, they have the versatility to fit into almost any meal.

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Daikon radishes

Daikon, which literally means "big root", is a winter radish grown in East Asia. It's sometimes referred to as a white radish, Chinese radish, or Japanese radish. At first glance, daikons look like plump, white carrots, but fortunately they packs far fewer carbs.

Each serving of daikon radishes (1 cup) contains 2.7 g of net carbs. That makes them one of the most keto-friendly vegetables you can find.

Vitamins and nutrients

Daikon radishes contain 25% of your daily value of vitamin C, an essential antioxidant that can help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Daikon radishes are a cruciferous vegetable, a family of crop species that includes kale and broccoli. Scientists are interested in cruciferous vegetables because of evidence that suggests that they contain compounds that prevent cancer. More research is needed, but several studies have found that people who consume cruciferous vegetables like daikon radishes are less likely to develop lung or colon cancer.

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 cup

Net carbs2.7 g
Fat0.4 g
Protein1.0 g
Total carbs5.0 g
Fiber2.4 g

Source: USDA

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